Welcome to Town & Country Christian Church
Sundays: 9am Bible Study – 10am Worship Service
Wednesdays: 6:30pm Bible Study, TC Kidz, TC Students
Our Mission
Our mission is to Connect People to Jesus and His Way of Living.
Wherever you are in your relationship with Jesus, we want to partner with you to take your next step.
Our Vision
Praise God
Pray with/for Others
Serve in Ministry
Give to the Body
Praising God in our individual lives (Phil. 3:7-8) and corporately (Heb. 10:19-25)

Praying for the Lord’s People (Eph 6:18)

Serving in Ministry, building up the Kingdom of God with our time and talents (Acts 2:42-47) and our finances. (2 Cor. 8 & 9).

God’s Word teaches us that God wants us to give to the Body of Believers (2 Cor 9:7)

What to Expect:
What do I wear?
The dress is casual. Most of the people you will see will dress in jeans and a casual shirt.
Where do my kids go?
Yes! Our Children’s Ministry, TC Kidz and Student Ministry, TC Students are honored to partner with parents in reaching the next generation for Jesus. Both ministries meet Sunday Mornings and Wednesday Nights.
What is the worship like?
We sing, pray, read scripture, share in communion, listen to a sermon from God’s word, and have a time of decision during our service. Our music would be considered blended; we enjoy both choruses and hymns.
Is Communion offered?
Yes, we remember Jesus’ sacrifice each week.
Tithes & Offerings
Every Sunday, tithes and offerings can be placed in a basket located at the auditoriums’ main doors. You may also give online.
Time of Decision
Each week in our worship service, we have a time of decision. This is a time to be active in our relationship with Jesus by accepting him for the first time, praying with others, or joining TCCC. Our prayer is that you will choose Jesus Christ and His Way of Living.
Free Coffee / Donuts / Wifi
Come early and enjoy complimentary coffee, donuts, and wifi.
Where do I park?
The majority of our parking is on the backside of our building. Come around to the west side of the building, and you will see parking spaces and the main doors.
How do I get connected?
Getting connected starts by filling out a Connection Card either in person or online with our Digital Connection Card.
Once a card is filled out, one of our staff will reach out to you and help you get plugged into a Bible Study, Connect Groups, serve in a ministry, etc.
What do you believe about?
Click button to see what we believe about God, Jesus, Baptism, Scripture, etc.